Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Can I Achieve a Better Work Life Balance - Ask Me Anything Tuesday IM HIRED

How Can I Achieve a Better Work Life Balance - Ask Me Anything Tuesday Do you live to work or work to live? This has to be the golden question, okay so its no whats the meaning of life? but I think its not far off. We all know we need to work, no one is going to pay your rent or bills and although everyone says money cant buy you happiness, it can buy pretty much everything else. How are you supposed to juggle a 9-5 job that stretches way past those contract hours as well as family commitments, a personal life and the most essential 5 minutes to yourself once in a while? It is really an impossible mission to have the best of both worlds? If you had asked me this question even a year ago I would have told you to pick one. You can have a successful career or a great personal life, you couldnt possibly  be greedy enough to ask for both. What a difference a day makes (or a year in this example) I have started to realise that I was being too pessimistic  and in reality I could have a job I loved and succeed in whilst having an actual life I enjoyed. Ill be completely honest and say this didnt happen over night and if youre asking how to get a perfect work life balance, then chances are your scales are tipping far too much in the direction of work. (I dont think Ive ever heard of anyone having a problem with the other side of the coin, Id love it if my job forced me to work all hours of the day said no one ever!) How do you flick the switch and level out those scales? (slightly too tipped on the personal life wouldnt be a bad option either.) Well these are the 3 stages to start with. Set Boundaries and be Assertive   You might think youre good at time management and organising your day but if youre thinking why is there never enough hours in the day, I hate to break it to you, youre not doing a great job! You need to work smarter instead of harder and look to get your job completed in a reasonable time limit. If youre employed until 5 pm, why are you feeling the need to work until 8 or 9 pm everyday. Yes, every job will occasionally  ask you to do extra but dont let any company take advantage of you and when you say youre going to leave on time, put down the phone, turn off the laptop and go home. You need to set work time and personal time and never let the two meet. That means no answering work calls during family dinners or checking company emails whilst having a chill evening at home. Never Feel Guilty about You Time This is the big one! When it comes to the people who are struggling to find the balance its usually because of that feeling of guilty. That feeling that means you dont want to be the first one to leave the office and you want to be an employee that goes above and beyond but at the sake of everything else. You can still do your job well and impress your boss without giving up your life so stop feeling guilty about not doing extra and when I say extra I mean the falling asleep with your laptop or working every weekend. You Can Always Ask for Help Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while so dont feel bad about asking for support when you need it. Whatever the job role youll most likely experience peaks in workload, times where your normal duties increase. If youre not able to cope with that increase dont automatically assume you have to double your working hours, instead ask a work colleague if they can lead a hand or speak to your boss about the work load. There is always more than one solution to your workload problems but the trouble is when youre stressed and overworked you cant see the easy answer. Finding the perfect work life balance is definitely a journey and like everything I discuss a time consuming one. If youre still struggling, my previous post The Search for The Perfect Work Life Balance gives you 10 tips to achieve this goal.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Basic Resume Samples Is the Base of an Advanced Resume

Basic Resume Samples Is the Base of an Advanced ResumeBasic resume samples are prepared by professionals who know what they are doing and are happy to share that expertise with anyone who calls. If you are someone who has to do the compiling of all that paper work and just wants a way to speed up the process, you need to consider a resume that incorporates a basic resume sample into the whole package. A resume sample is simply a professional resume for the work of the person that created it.Basic resume samples come in many forms. Some include the individual, job title, salary and education information that can be valuable to the person who needs to have this information gathered.Another option that is out there is an individual resume. This can be used in conjunction with the basic resume sample to get the job you are after. It is best to have the person create the individual resume from scratch when they have all the information they need. They may need to get the university diplom as and list them for a person to see what they look like on a resume.You can also include the job title. In general this is used with a basic resume sample. However, this is more of a guideline. Some companies will only need to see the job title. In this case you could include just the job title in the individual resume sample.Sometimes all you need is the name and specific information. If you get this to the point where it is the only thing needed it will be much easier to write. The information is easier to remember.The work of the resume samples also varies. You need to consider the nature of the job and what type of responsibilities it may have. This is something to consider because it may not fit the original job description but can be used to supplement the resume with knowledge on the position. Sometimes this can be a huge asset in getting the job.The basic resume samples are great for those that have the ability to put in the time to write their own resumes. This is much eas ier than dealing with the wordings and understanding what is not included in the resume. Basic resume samples are generally a job application used to get the attention of the company you are interested in. The resume will still be custom-made and show a wealth of experience.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Hidden Answers to Attend Resume Writing and Interview Techniques Class Sims 3 Identified

Hidden Answers to Attend Resume Writing and Interview Techniques Class Sims 3 Identified Attend Resume Writing and Interview Techniques Class Sims 3 - the Conspiracy Impact Your capacity to generate an impact, to create a great impression and command attention and respect is going to be observed during the interview. Talk to a confident tone and make certain your posture indicates an attentive and open attitude. Each technique has value in some specific scenario. Your answer shows what's important to you, what personality type you represent and the way you want to get perceived within the organization. Key Pieces of Attend Resume Writing and Interview Techniques Class Sims 3 Bear in mind there are no right or wrong answers. Open-ended questions can feel intimidating since there are many various ways you're able to answer them. While you need to always be ready for common job interview questions, there are analyst-specific questions you'll want to be sure you have practiced before hand. Don't forget, it's a really specific question. Attend Resume Writing and Interview Techniques Class Sims 3 Options If you don't have specific expertise in the sort of law that the firm practices, it'll be important that you discuss your research and comprehension of what it is that they do. Before the interview, make certain you prepare examples of highly polished documents which you've created. It's always helpful to begin with unstructured interviews to acquire a comprehension of the present work environment, ask interviewee for their jobs and the issues. The aim is to align your previous behaviors with specific competencies that are needed for the position. Every position demands analytical skills. At the close of the interview, you might find some behavioral interview questions linked to the absolute most frequent problems that arise for the organization's project managers. Adaptability Sales jobs involve dealing with a variety of people, the ability to m odify your approach to the circumstance and customer is a significant job requirement. When interviewing for a data analyst position, you really need to do all you can to enable the interviewer see your analytical abilities, communication abilities and attention to detail. Nobody expects you to be aware of the job prior to starting. It is intriguing to remember that the initial 3 forms of interview questions listed have a predictive validity for on the work success of simply 10 percent. Persuasiveness Sales interview questions will concentrate on your capacity to persuade and influence other people to accept your goods or support. Don't wait until the evening prior to your interview to get started preparing.